Taiwan Trademark fee (US$)
Estimated Cost from filing to registration - Taiwan Trademark
Trademark Search:
Attorney fee: US$100/class
Trademark Filing:
Attorney fee: US$250/class
Official fee: US$100/class
Trademark Registration:
Attorney fee: US$165/class
Official fee: US$85/class
1. If the specified goods within the same category is 20 items or fewer, the official fee for each category is NT$3,000 (approximately USD 100). If the specified goods within the same category exceeds 20 items, an additional official fee and our service fee of NT$300 (approximately USD 10) will be charged for each additional item.
2. The response stage to the office action may not be necessary, as the application could be approved directly, resulting in the issuance of the trademark certificate.
3. We will add our miscellaneous expense and bank handling fee (US$ 50) into the total amount of each invoice.
What are the general requirements for filing a trademark application in Taiwan?
A filing date is accorded to the date of receipt of the application if the application contains all the following information / documents:
the name and address of the applicant;
the logo of the trademark;
a list of the specified goods or services to be covered by the trademark registration;
the International Classification applicable to the specified goods or services
application form;
Power of Attorney;
where a trademark contains any word or words in a language or alphabets other than the Chinese or English language/alphabets respectively, then a certified translation and transliteration of the mark applied for is required.