All Filing Fee

Taiwan Trademark Fee

Taiwan Trademark Fee

Trademark Filing Fee:
Attorney fee + Official fee: US$250/class
Trademark Registration Fee:
Attorney fee + Official fee: US$155/class

Taiwan Trademark fee (US$)

Estimated Cost from filing to registration - Taiwan Trademark (Bank Charge and Miscellaneous fees: US$40)

Trademark Search:

 Attorney fee: US$50/class 


Trademark Filing:   

Attorney fee: US$150/class

Official fee: US$100/class

Trademark Registration:

Attorney fee: US$70/class

Official fee: US$85/class

What are the general requirements for filing a trademark application in Taiwan?

A filing date is accorded to the date of receipt of the application if the application contains all the following information / documents:


  1. the name and address of the applicant;

  2. the logo of the trademark;

  3. a list of the specified goods or services to be covered by the trademark registration;

  4. the International Classification applicable to the specified goods or services

  5. application form;

  6. Power of Attorney;

  7. where a trademark contains any word or words in a language or alphabets other than the Chinese or English language/alphabets respectively, then a certified translation and transliteration of the mark applied for is required.