About Us

We help you to protect your trademark right in the worldwide. CHUANG YUAN is a professional Taiwanese Intellectual Property office that renders legal services in the field of intellectual property law.

About Us


CHUANG YUAN offers the following major services to clients:

~Trademark availability and conduct a trademark searches
~Trademark registration
~Trademark prosecution
~Filing of Declarations of Actual Use
~Renewal of trademark registrations
~Review of agreements and contracts involving intellectual property rights
~Recordal of changes in the ownership or title of trademarks,
~Opposition to published trademarks
~Petition for Cancellation of registered trademarks,
~Trademark infringement
~Search and seizure of counterfeit goods

CHUANG YUAN firmly believes in earning clients’ trust through excellent service and exceptional care. Towards this end, the firm always aims to 
deliver timely and efficient service to its clients, which the firm is able to achieve through its highly competent and vastly experienced legal and 
technical staff. Our people are not only experts at Taiwanese intellectual property laws. The firm strives to always be aware of emerging intellectual property issues and concerns in other jurisdictions.


Filing Fee

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Taiwan Trademark Fee
Trademark Filing Fee:
Attorney fee + Official fee: US$350/class
Trademark Registration Fee:
Attorney fee + Official fee: US$250/class